The Aim
Are You Sad ?
The Aim
The Fun Package
Camping Goods
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The Aim:  To introduce you to girls / boys / couples / groups from the right set, with decent backgrounds and a healthy attitude towards getting the best out of life. I do that by mapping interests / hobbies / desires / fantasies among members from India and abroad.  And bring them together for Pen / Tele / Social friendship. From which grows  relationships,  intimacy  and  much ,  much   more ..
  The club is managed by an MBA management professional. I manufacture camping equipment for young hearts ( for camping trips where you can  have fun outdoors). I work in the interests of people who are bored &  lonely and  want       to experiment with life. In case you are shy, let me tell you that I assure 100% secrecy. You can confide all your limitations & desires with me, and  get a package tailored  for
  you . You are not bound to reveal your address to  even me as you may take option of keeping one way communication with agbmclub . You don't have to sign the membership form or even send a photo if that's what you wish (600/- extra charge). You can use my Tel / Fax / address for your     intimate exchanges. You can also ask for a letter written /
form filled by a member before choosing you ideal partner. After you feel intimate & comfortable, go ahead and reveal all ! So you  see, no profit for me, all gains for you.
